Dominik Rohrmus (onsite)

Dominik Rohrmus (onsite)

COO, GAIA-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL

Dominik Rohrmus studied Electrical Engineering at TU München (1996) and obtained his PhD in the area of AI and features in Mechanical Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) from TU Chemnitz. He worked for German small and medium enterprises (SME) in the field of industry and health care before he re-joined Siemens in 2005. Since then, he worked with increasing responsibilities in the area of manufacturing and production development at Siemens in Munich, for example as Head of Research Group Shop-floor Equipment and Future Standardization for Siemens factories worldwide. In 2016 he was nominated CTO of the German non-profit and pre-competitive Labs Network Industrie 4.0 e.V. (LNI 4.0) where he also participated with a SME focus on IDSA’s Reference Architecture document (2018). In early summer 2021 he has been chosen COO of the GAIA-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL.